Your IQ – What’s your Influence Quotient?

Last week I had the pleasure to be a guest speaker on the Webinar for Sales and Marketing Management and Training
Magazine Network.

I shared Why Influence Matters Now describing some global issues and trends in the workplace that make it so necessary as a skill everyone needs to have these days.

I also talked about our unique “Secrets of Influence™” theory, approach and basic principles. We had some very favorable feedback from the participants. Here are some of their comments:

  • Thank you! It was very informative.
  • Good insights.
  • It was a good investment of my time.
  • Practical take on “Influence”.

If you’d like to hear this session, here is a link to the

Also, we are offering our new FREE booklet “5 Influence Hacks to give you the Extra Edge”:

Learn more about Influence

Get your FREE Report on Influence



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