How to Set Goals for Your Most Successful Year Ever! 5 Key Factors

“The moment one definitely commits oneself, Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one, that would

never  otherwise have occurred.”     Goethe



When you set a goal, it thereafter acts like a “magnet”; you are pulled towards it. The resources you need along the way,which you previously thought were inaccessible, now contribute to your momentum.
You may have had this experience: you decide on a goal, but have no idea how to go about achieving it.

The next day, you meet a person who knows a person who has done that very thing. Or you’re

browsing through your favorite news site, and you see an article

about that very subject. Coincidence? Synchronicity? It’s the

“magnet” – you’ve put your focus on a subject, and your brilliant

unconscious mind is sorting all the zillions of bits of information

coming your way to those which are relevant to your focus.

The stronger your focus, the more resources will come your way.



The distinction between objectives and goals is an important one. Objectives are a lifetime, ongoing direction.

Goals are specific milestones along the way


A goal is a specific, achievable, measurable, event or experience.


One of your objectives might be to help make life better for those less fortunate than yourself. You may never accomplish this completely, but you can set some specific goals (that are relevant to the larger objective) such as:


  1. a) volunteering x hours per month to work at the children’s hospital
  2. b) donating money (how much?) to your favorite charity.


Many people think of goals in vague terms –

~ to have more money ~ to have more leisure time – to get a promotion

When you set goals, you’ll have to ask yourself: Exactly how much money? How much leisure time?   What kind of promotion?


This kind of refining and clarifying takes some effort; each goal will force you to answer the question: how will I know when I’m there? And each goal will have to have a time limit.


Many people are afraid to set objectives and goals. They’re afraid of falling short, afraid they won’t be able to reach the standards they’ve set. This is understandable, and a pretty common concern.




The important thing is to start somewhere, on something. Successful people achieve because they have a sense of purpose, of direction.

They are in control of their lives. Unsuccessful people avoid thinking about the future and procrastinate, drifting without direction. Life is controlling them.


And remember, you can set goals not only for business and career, but in any category of Life,

such as Education, Physical Health/Fitness, Artistic, Family, etc.

As that famous philosopher, the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland said, “if you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there”.


The following guidelines should be kept in mind when setting goals (within larger objectives). I should also say, at the outset,

that goals are achieved much more successfully when they are written down.


SMART Goal Setting, business concept


Goals Should Be Specific

Express your goal as the end state of what you want

i.e. I will be promoted to Vice President


 Goals Should Be Measurable

As much as you can, be clear about what, specifically, you want to achieve


 Goals should be Achievable

A goal is not a fantasy or a daydream. It should be something you can accomplish (with some effort and stretching outside your “comfort zone”)


Goals should be Relevant


Goals that you set should be relevant to you, to your

specific situation and to the larger Objectives you have set


Goals Should Have Target Dates (be Time Bound)


Give yourself time limits. Often you will have sub-goals with their own target dates. If you don’t make the target,

don’t hate yourself- just set a new date.


By the way, I’m not a fan of “resolutions”; they’re usually

about stopping doing something – i.e. no more salty fried foods. But if you are clear on your objectives and goals,

By (goal dateI will weigh xxx lbs., have a cholesterol # of xxxx, a blood pressure reading of 120/80, a resting pulse reading of xxx,

then of course you will not be  eating the wrong foods  or doing the things that go against that goal.

IMHO, putting things into a goal frame creates a thinking process that is much more positive and less punitive.


Wishing you a Fabulous and Successful 2017!

See “A Swift Kick in the Can’ts”

for more about Objectives, Goals, Goal Planning and Peer Mentoring as a Support System



Next week: Creative Tension and How you Can Use it

Positively to Achieve Your Goals


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