How to Influence People and Win Over Anyone; Secrets for Personal and Professional Success

What is Influence?

Influence is power – the power to motivate, sell, and be more effective, more potent and more productive. Influence is a subtle skill, a more refined approach than the use of authority or coercion. You get the results you want while allowing others to get the results they want.

We define Influence as the “power to affect change, or to achieve a result, without the use of force or formal authority”. This means that in order to be truly influencing, you must cause a change in another’s behavior, actions, attitudes or values. In some cases, the desired effect might not be immediately apparent, as in changing attitudes.

Today, I want to clarify what Influence IS and what it ISN’T. In the coming weeks, I will post a series of “how to”s, (hopefully) useful information on the science and art of Influence.

In the meantime, go to other sections of our website for more information on Influence, or to for the new CD “How to Influence People and Win Over Anyone” …

Learn more about Influence

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