How to Influence – First Steps
It may seem that to be an effective Influencer, you have to prepare your talk, presentation or conversation. In reality, the more important action in the process is first to listen, the better to know your customer or client.
ATTENTIVENESS – Doing It With Empathy
The Art of Listening – Listen without judgment, listen with an open mind, evaluate after you get all the information. When you listen actively and respectfully, chances are that you will be listened to the same way when it’s your turn to speak.
Develop a Genuine Interest in Others – Really listening to others requires an attitude of sincere interest and curiosity, and an honest desire to see things the way another person sees them. If you suspend judgment, you’re apt to discover a better sense of rapport with others.
Learn to Ask Smart Questions – Ask open-ended questions, create cycles of learning, ask for more detail, “how” or “what” questions are better than “why” questions.
Develop A Desire to Accommodate – Acquire an attitude of willingness to consider the other person’s point of view, and a willingness to make a few concessions if necessary. By offering concessions early in the game, you alter the environment and are able to get more of what you want in the long run.
Of course this isn’t all you’ll need to be an effective listener. Watch forthe next post to learn the next steps in the process.